Happy Friday…
I’ve noticed a lot of new subscribers here recently – WELCOME to the FUELLED FAMILY! – and so I’m going to share more about myself over the next few weeks.
For starters, my name is Agathe Regina Holowatinc – what a name right?! LOL – and it’s pronounced Agatha Ray-ghee-na Holow-va-teents .
..and, No, it’s not English! I will share more about my ancestry and background in another post.
I am Co-Founder and Director at FUELLED Bermuda Ltd., a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Consultant, member of the Nutritional Therapists Association of Bermuda, published author, private chef, healthy cooking masterclass instructor and wellness warrior.
I would describe myself as a passionate advocate of “Food as Medicine,” cellular health, holistic (“Whole Life”) approaches to elevating your life and communicating big ideas in a simple way.
I truly believe that vibrant health is our BIRTHRIGHT and I left a six figure career in the legal industry to dedicate my life to helping people achieve just that.
I can honestly say that I am authentically doing my passion and living my purpose, my dharma, here on earth. Every day I am grateful for my life, my gifts, my career and for the people I serve, whom I am incredibly devoted to.
My nutrition coaching and consulting services are ideal for high performance professionals who want to enhance their energy and feel lit up, laser lucid focused and limitless, day in and day out.
And for extraordinary women who want to cut, clear, and remove the patterns, emotions and illusions keeping them sluggish, stuffed and stuck in a toxic relationship with their body and food, and shift into women who honour themselves, FUEL their bodies for optimal health and know how to FIND THEIR FULFILLMENT.
Thank you for reading this. I am sending you so much love!
Hannah Collins

A delicious fruit with a unique and pleasantly juicy texture, the pear tree first originated in present-day western China in the foothills of the Tian Shan mountain range . It was also cultivated by the Ancient Romans, who ate pears both raw or cooked and particularly liked stewing them with honey to create a simple dessert .
Nutrient-rich, pear benefits include supplying a high amount of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, copper and boron. This fruit also contains antioxidants (especially their skins) and can help to treat constipation and high cholesterol. Often overlooked when placed next to apples in a farm stand, pears bring a very pleasant flavour and a one-of-a-kind texture to drinks and smoothies.
We love this recipe for a bright and zingy, nutrient-loaded smoothie or drink that features pear with front notes of – metabolism boosting and detoxifying – ginger and the incredible life enhancing, energy producing benefits of organic spinach. A total win!
Seize the day the FUELLED way!
Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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