Happy Monday!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Today I would like to talk about… a blank slate. That exhilarating feeling of a fresh new start.💖✨🛣️

We are 5 days away from a new year.

5 days away from 2023…

So this week, with Christmas all wrapped up and Hannukah finishing up tonight, it is time to look forward.

That is exactly what I am doing today. Thinking FORWARD. Moving ahead. Letting go of what does not work (physically and metaphorically), and cleaning up and deciding what is to come. What is to be in 2023.

I have taken to the habit of writing my big goals down twice a day, morning and night. BIG goals. Then with those goals as my North Star, I decide on my steps for today…My targets for today and this week and this month. In business. In health & alignment. In beauty. In home renovations. In finances. In family life. In friendships. In romance. In education (growth). In luxury. Those are my favourite areas to focus on right now.

So I am reflecting this week on what I want.

(I took this unedited photo on my morning walk today…I thought it suited my reflective spirit)

I feel like January 1st is a blank slate and that a rebirth is possible…

For everyone.

I have a special 1:1 coaching session that I created especially for the New Year and for new clients too, whenever they wish to start (if the session feels like a good fit).

A former client wrote me last week saying that he has launched a new business and that he was thinking of my “quarters”- the session I created for the New Year. He said he was very inspired by it and remembers it to this day. That was nice to hear. I love hearing from all of my clients. Thank you for everyone who reaches out to share their new experiences.

So…What is your NORTH STAR for 2023….? 

Do you need to get on track with your nutrition, body composition, bloodwork and energy goals?

Commit or recommit to healthy, life-giving, cell-optimizing eating?

Truly CRUSH IT this year by devoting yourself to a FUELLED UP and optimized life in 2023…?!

If any of those speak to you, I have something to kickstart your journey next week….


January 1 2023 – January 14, 2023

This Private Facebook Group 14-Day Challenge will ensure you reboot your diet and reset your gut without the unnecessary restrictions and potential downsides that come with traditional detoxes and cleanses.

🌟Expect to:🌟
📍Dial down or eliminate alcohol consumption
📍Dial down cravings for sweets and processed foods
📍Kick your “toxic overload” to the curb!
📍FUEL your body with powerful, nutrient-rich foods
📍Support your organs of detoxification so they do their best job for you
📍Learn strategic new recipes
📍Feel motivated through our daily posts
📍Be amongst like-minded individuals in the FB group community
📍Create a pathway towards eating well for the long term

Success is just steps 👣away when you have a proven path to follow, fierce emotional resilience, and a top industry expert to support you.

Grab control of the steering wheel 🚘and arrive at a FRESH NEW YOU in 14 days.

Expect to experience increased energy, improved digestion and gut health, improved memory and concentration, weight loss, better looking skin/hair, a happier sense of being, and stronger immunity.

Led by ME! 😊I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Author, Health Industry Entrepreneur, Ayurveda enthusiast, Private Chef and member of the Nutritional Therapists Association of Bermuda.

Extended health insurance benefits may apply – please inquire.

📨Purchase on PTIX 
💰$100 to join (SO much value here!)
📅Ideally you start January 1st, but you can jump in at any time.
🌎Open to local and international participation.
🏋️‍♂️Compliments all workout routines.

Below is the button to sign up and pay. See you January 1st!

Sending you best wishes for your week of self-reflection…

Much love,

p.s. I took these unedited photos on my morning walk with Bella today (as well as the other ones in this message)…and I felt they suited the spirit of my message here today… enjoy!



Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about! 

Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!

Much love for the festive season,
Agathe, Teresa & Pamela

“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”

PS – If you enjoyed this post and would like to receive this kind of information regularly, sign up for my weekly eNewsletter to get these updates delivered right to your inbox!

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When you sign up for our newsletter. Includes the first three sections of the book, signed photo of the author and 5 preview recipes and photographs!

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Ready to step into your most legendary, lit up, limitless self?

high performing. Energized. FUELLED. 

Book A Discovery Call