The Wonders of Water

Happy August!! We are now smack in the middle of summer and if you live in Bermuda then you have just come back from the Cup Match Long Weekend – Hope you had a blast!!

I wanted to write a quick post to see if you guys are staying hydrated…??

I know that when we think of FUELLING our bodies for optimal health, we often think of eating healthy foods while forgetting to give thought to our fluids. And in the summertime, when the sun is beating down and we’re outdoors for longer periods of time, engaging in sports, sweating, or doing other fun activities and maybe getting a bit too busy to think about it, skipping out on water can be one of the worst mistakes health-wise we could make.

Also, in the summertime, we’re often drinking more alcohol at parties, sports and social events, which leads to dehydration big-time.

So here’s your reminder: Water is an ESSENTIAL component of your health and vitality!!

In case you didn’t know: The benefits of consuming plenty of water every single day are far reaching and cannot be underestimated.

Benefits of Consuming Water:

  • Enhances anti-aging effects on the skin
  • Increases energy and relieves fatigue
  • Promotes weight loss and helps us feel satiated
  • Maintains our balance of body fluids
  • Flushes out toxins, cleansing and detoxifying our system
  • Combats muscle fatigue and cramping
  • Improves the look, feel and health of our skin
  • Maintains regular bowel function
  • Boosts our immune system
  • Is a natural headache remedy
  • Improves athletic performance

Okay…be honest: Did you know there were SO many benefits to drinking water??

One thing is for sure: Do not miss out on one of the EASIEST ways to FUEL your body!

Tip: How do you know if you’re dehydrated? The easiest way to check is to look at the color of your urine. If it’s light yellow – you’re doing great! That means you’re well-hydrated. But if your urine is dark or orange, then grab a glass of water and begin drinking asap!

3 Great Ways to Get Plenty of Water are:

  • Buy chopped frozen fruit like mango, pineapple, blueberries and strawberries and add a handful to your glass or water bottle, pouring your water over the tasty, ice-cold fruit. Let sit for 5 minutes so that the fruit infuses the water. Enjoy!
  • Alternate drinking coconut water and filtered water so that you don’t get bored of the flavour. One is sweet, while the other is plain, so go back and forth. Be on the lookout for coconut water that has no added sugar or natural flavours on the ingredients list – you don’t want either! So be sure to check the list.
  • Brew a large pot of caffeine-free herbal tea in the evening (like lemon-ginger, hibiscus, mint, sweet orange, blueberry, etc. –  just check what they have in the store near you), add raw honey to it to sweeten if you wish, and set in the fridge to cool overnight. Pour into your glass throughout the day or fill up your water bottle and take it to go.

Stay hydrated!!!

To an abundant, passionate and FUELLED life!!

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