Fuelled Hot Nutrition Talk – Guided Gratitude Practice: A GAME CHANGER

Minimize your cortisol production. Make your primitive defense systems feel safe. Release dopamine. Boost immunity. Decrease inflammation. Curb emotional eating. Absorb nutrients effectively. Heal faster. Sleep better. Speed up muscle recovery… Did you know that the seemingly simple act of expressing thankfulness for what you have in your life can rewire your brain and your body….and help you more efficiently and effectively access your greatness? Tap into the power of gratitude and all that it offers @ Beyond Fitness Bermuda, 6:30 pm. 45 mins. $20 drop in!

You’ll learn:

  • Which 3 influencers say gratitude is an ultimate game changer
  • How the power of gratitude rewires your mind and body (learn the physiological and cognitive effects)
  • Learn 7 gratitude techniques you can start doing immediately
  • Experience and enjoy a guided gratitude session led by health coach Agathe Holowatinc

This is our final class in the FUELLED Nutrition Series – don’t miss it!

#integrativenutrition #higherself #healthgoals #fitlife #healthcoaching #nutritioneducation  #gratitudepractice #thankyou #guidedgratitudepractice

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When you sign up for our newsletter. Includes the first three sections of the book, signed photo of the author and 5 preview recipes and photographs!

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