An Ayurvedic Approach To Weight Loss πŸŒ…

New FUELLED workshop this Saturday!! πŸŽ™

Looking to shed your Covid weight? If you have 3 lbs to lose or 30, you’ll get a lot out of this workshop and we would love to have you join.

Ayurveda is a sophisticated and powerful mind-body health system, developed by the sages of India before modern medicine. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). 🌱

Learn a radically different approach 🌟 to weight loss in this 4 hour workshop that includes:

✳ Yoga to Balance the Doshas with Shanell Vaughn of Shambhala
✳ Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss Lecture and Q&A with Agathe Holowatinc of FUELLED Bermuda Ltd.
✳ Healthy Vegetarian Lunch cheffed by Agathe of FUELLED Bermuda Ltd.

Please wear comfortable clothing suitable for yoga and bring your mat and water bottle.
Maximum of 8 participants. Please reserve your spot early to avoid disappointment.Saturday, October 10, 2020
Spirit House
65 Middle Road, Devonshire, Bermuda
10 AM to 2 PM
8 Participants max.Investment: $335
Partially covered by Colonial and BF&M health insurance plans.

This workshop is great for everyone 😊, whether you’re interested in losing weight or not, as this eastern health philosophy has served me for over 20 years and I believe it offers insight and benefits to all. I refer to it every single day of my life πŸ™Œ. It is especially refreshing for those who are sick and tired of western approaches to weight loss (counting calories/points/macros, weighing food, going on a restrictive diet, etc.) and are curious about what other approaches exist.🌏


Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about! πŸ’“

Stay healthy!

Much love,


β€œGet FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”

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