Happy Hanukkah!

Did you ever wonder: what is Hanukkah exactly?

Hanukkah (also spelled “Chanukah”) is an eight-day winter “festival of lights,” which begins each year on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev.

The festival celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and of spirituality over materiality.

The central feature of the observance of is the nightly lighting of the Chanukiah or menorah, an eight-branched candelabra with a place for a ninth candle, the shammes, used to light the others.

One candle is lit on the first night of Hanukkah, and an additional candle is lit on each successive night, until, on the eighth night, the Chanukiah is fully illuminated.

Hanukkah is also called the Feast of Lights or Festival of Lights due to the importance of the candle-lighting.

This year, Hanukkah is celebrated from Sunday November 28th to Monday, December 6th.

Traditional dishes made during this festival include potato Latkes (potato pancakes, often eaten with applesauce and sour cream, a personal favourite of mine), jam-filled fried donuts (I grew up eating these as they’re also considered traditional Polish donuts), Hanukkah cookies, beef brisket with roast vegetables, chocolate coins called ‘Gelt’ and  ‘Kugel’ – a traditional Jewish noodle casserole dish that can be made sweet or savoury.

Chag Sameach,
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