Happy Thursday!
Whether to buy organic or non-organic fruits and vegetables is a very important decision, and it’s actually much easier to know what to do than you might think. And…guess what? You really don’t have to buy everything organic.
Lucky for us, there is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that is dedicated to protecting human health and the environment that we can turn to to help us answer this question in a practical way. This organization is called The Environmental Working Group, or EWG. Their website is www.ewg.org and their mission is to “empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.”
Their breakthrough research is aimed at connecting people and the environment in an intimate way – they evaluate the safety of personal care products, tap water, home cleaning products, foods and more. As relates to food, they produce a very popular annual guide that you need to know about – EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.
And from that guide, they have created 2 shortlists that cover the best and worst of what you need to know about produce this year, creatively named “The Dirty Dozen” and “The Clean Fifteen.” These lists tell you exactly what they sound like they would: The Dirty Dozen tells you which non-organic fruits and vegetables are the most covered in pesticide residue and The Clean Fifteen tells you which non-organic fruits and vegetables are the “cleanest” or least covered in harmful pesticide residues.
Armed with these lists, we can make better choices about what to buy organic (everything on the Dirty Dozen list is seriously worth splurging for organic versions) and where we can buy conventionally raised produce (the Clean Fifteen can all be purchased without buying organic versions).
I take this list to the grocery store and recommend you do too!
*Note this list does not rank Canadian, European or Bermudian fruits or veggies — so if it’s American (US) produce you’re looking to buy, this is so helpful.
The 2022 list has been released! Check it out in the photo above or see the full lists here:
The Dirty Dozen 2022
The Clean Fifteen 2022
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Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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