Happy Wednesday….
It was an incredible week in The Energized Executive Collective!! I posted 4 live videos on the topics of:
✅ Win the Morning, Win the Day
✅ Comfort & Complacency VS Leveling Up and Challenging Ourselves
✅ Your Presence Matters & How Nutrition MASSIVELY Impacts How You Show Up!
✅ Positive Anticipation About Your Annual Physical! How Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle Impact Your Results & Attitude
I was also live today having a FABULOUS time on the FUELLED Facebook page answering the question: “What is it like to work 1-on-1 with Agathe?” My client, the lovely Rhonda, was there with me and she has an incredible story to share, check it out. She has worked with me in 1:1 sessions for 7 months, having started in December. Catch the replay if you’d like to hear what she has to say! It’s on the longer side and I didn’t edit anything out, so make some time for it, but it’s worth the listen. See if you see yourself in anything she says.
So today I thought I would share about: Your PRESENCE matters.
Did you know? SUPERCHARGING your nutrition with high performance, nutrient-loaded foods can have a really positive impact on your quality of life, overall health, happiness, lifeforce, lifespan, energy and productivity, performance, profits…and PRESENCE.
That’s what spoke about in the Live on Tuesday – the day after MONDAY .
I asked: How do you show up on Monday? To your meetings? To your projects? To your business? To your partners? To your life?
And actually, since it’s Wednesday, let’s ask how you’re showing up on Wednesday? For your Weekend? Truly?
Are you feeling BUSY, BURNT OUT and BLAH?
If so, don’t worry, you are not alone! It’s not YOU – it’s very likely your sub par NUTRIENT INTAKE and a few sub-optimal, life-force draining habits.
Living a life of limitation is not something that is supposed to be a part of the norm, but it has become so.
So I went live to show the group that you can feel lit up, laser lucid focused and limitless – without the sugar, caffeine or other addictive crutches.
Here are 2 clips from that video (note: link is to the FUELLED Facebook page as I cannot embed videos in this newsletter) —>
How Do I get a Fully Saturated LIFEFORCE + Show Up With A Cup That Is Overflowing
“You’re Feeling Really, Really Good.” Your Quality Of Life & UPLEVELING Your Nutrition

I hope you enjoy those videos and remember:
If you’re interested in a 1:1 chat with me about The Energized Executive 16 Week Supercharged Nutrition RESET I’m launching September 1st – just email me at I would love to speak with you!
In the Energized Executive 16 Week Supercharged Nutrition RESET you will say farewell to fatigue as you elevate and amplify your performance at work and play as soon as you take charge and begin FUELLING your body with delicious, life-giving, energy producing, nutrient-loaded and cell optimizing FUELLED foods.
Seriously – if you’re ready to step it up, my Energized Executive 16 Week Reset starts September 1st.
Expect to create a LEGENDARY presence as you stop depleting your life force and depriving yourself of essential nutrients and start projecting your boundless energy, FUELLED-UP power, best health, best life force, best lifespan, best body confidence and the highest frequency and vibration energetically you can bring to this world.
Join me for more in depth HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION content like I just shared so that you don’t miss out —>
The Energized Executive Collective is a vortex for extraordinary, high performance professionals who want to LEVEL UP their lives and SUPERCHARGE their NUTRITION and OPTIMAL HEALTH game.
If that’s YOU, I invite you to join our free, private group today.
Expect quality content, lots of live videos, free masterclasses and a powerful community of like minded people who are all there to LEVEL UP our lives!
Expect some questions before getting in…we want to make sure we are all in alignment and there for the highest good for ourselves and The Energized Executive Collective community…
Join today –
See you inside! And Happy Weekend!
Agathe xx
Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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