If you think that eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods is going to be a pain and will be all about deprivation….think again. It’s time to crush that limiting belief and start living your best life. I made this pizza yesterday for my Lockdown Lunch and it’s loaded – not with cholesterol, hormone & antibiotic injected meats, yeast, bad fats and gluten – but with high quality plant protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy omega 3 fats, antioxidants, prebiotics, fibre,…. Can this be the nourishing and detoxifying food you have been missing out on because you think healthy food tastes gross?

Something to think about.

Contact me if you would like to know more about eating better to achieve your best health and energy. I teach healthy cooking to individuals and corporations (virtually and in person), have a series of 1 hour classes you can select from to learn more about practical approaches to optimal nutrition in your life (to take in person, for yourself or your company, or virtually), and I specialize in 1-on-1 Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching for individuals or couples, to really get your goals (online, over the phone or in person). No matter where in the world you are, you can start making a difference today.

I mean, it’s either “one day” or “Day 1,” right?


Feel free to share this post with someone you care about!

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Much love,


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