“What does BEST health mean to you?” is something I was recently asked, and below, I share my answer….
I had the honour of being the first guest of 2022 on the Royal Gazette ‘Best Health’ podcast earlier this week. And what a wonderful experience it was. Sitting down with Rebecca Ezekiel – the new head of the podcast – was like sitting down with a close friend who is just as passionate about health as I am.
Although the theme of the episode was Health Hacks for 2022, one question she asked me that really stood out was “What does BEST HEALTH mean to you?”
What a question! Have you ever stopped to think about about it?
Well, I’ve been thinking about it ever since and I wanted to share my reply with you. I thought it might provide some ‘food for thought’ as we move through January…
What does BEST HEALTH mean to me?
✳ The absence of disease and dis-ease such as lethargy and brain fog
✳ The presence of energy and vitality and life force in your body and spirit
✳ The presence of love and gratitude in your heart and soul
✳ Clear skin, great oral health, a strong immune system and not a lot of inflammation in the body
✳ A healthy gut, a healthy metabolism and healthy digestion
✳ A body composition that makes you feel like I’m winning/I’m healthy!
✳ Bloodwork and nutrient intake that makes you feel like – I’m winning!
✳ Strength in your muscles, flexibility in your joints and body
✳ You feel mentally and emotionally at ease
✳ Your sleep is sound
✳ The knowing that you have a purpose here on earth
✳ Freedom from addiction to or cravings for alcohol, drugs, sugar, caffeine, or other foods and substances.
If you’ve read my newsletters, or have followed me awhile, or I’ve coached you, you will not be surprised that I would consider such a “whole health picture” or integrative approach to this question.
I hope that this description encourages you to take an integrative or “whole life” approach to your health and nutrition goals this year.
And maybe something in it will stand out to you as an area in which you would like to level-up in in 2022.
If you have anything to add or any thoughts on what I’ve said – don’t be shy – leave a comment in the comment box below.
The episode of the RG BEST HEALTH podcast airs later this month…stay tuned!
Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay healthy!
Much love,
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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