Happy Thursday!
Pro ‘Nutrition for Optimal Health’ Tip Time!! —
One of my most important FUELLED food philosophies is: GREENS ARE GOLD!
When it comes to FUELLING our body with immune-boosting foods that promote optimal cellular health…GREENS are GOLD!
SO today I’m going to shine a SPOTLIGHT on Leafy Greens & their superstar role in enhancing cellular renewal, anti-aging, boosting Immune System Function, and your overall health – while also combating inflammation!
I mean, if you want to SUPERCHARGE YOUR LIFE, this is it!
There’s no question that dark leafy greens and their juices are healthy – they contain an abundance of nutrients and vitamins necessary for optimal health – but they aren’t just healthy in an overall sense, they are powerful for the immune system specifically AND for cellular renewal.

Leafy greens like Swiss chard, kale, collard greens, watercress and spinach contain anti-aging and immune-boosting vitamins and minerals, such as folate, selenium, and vitamins C and A. Vitamin C, also known by some as the “immunity vitamin,” has powerful antioxidant properties and is key to a strong and well-functioning immune system. AND Vit A is known as an “anti-inflammation vitamin” AND PLAYS A critical role in enhancing immune function & cellular renewal.
And, IT GETS BETTER, while these healthy, whole foods provide lots of essential nutrients, they all have a low calorie “price tag,” which processed foods tend NOT to offer – they often offer the opposite — TONS of “empty calories” but little real nutritional benefit in return.

The takeaway here is that adding leafy green foods into your diet is going to give your cells, your immunity, and your overall health, a BIG boost.
And don’t think I mean you need to eat a salad…OH NO! You can drink your greens, roast them, stir-fry them, juice them, put them in your soup or stew, add them to a sauce, use them in your salad dressing or dip, bake them or eat them raw. OPTIONS ABOUND!
Other greens to incorporate into your diet include:
- Green herbs like parsley, basil, mint, cilantro etc.
- Greet tea
- Sea vegetables AKA sea weed like Nori and Wakame and also spirulina and chlorella
- Green veggies like zucchini and organic green bell peppers
And now…OVER TO YOU!
What green foods will you incorporate into your day today?
I’m curious and interested in a free nutrition coaching consultation call- Please book me.
Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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