Happy Monday…
So…it’s been about 2 weeks since my last blog post!
A lot longer than usual…
There has been SO MUCH going on behind the scenes at FUELLED this month and hopefully I will have a LOT of good news for you in July! I cannot wait to share, but for now I have to keep my lips zipped!
Hence the delay with my blogpost.
So, picking up where we left off last time, we celebrated the arrival of a lot of new subscribers here – WELCOME to the FUELLED FAMILY! – and so I thought I would share more about myself over the past few weeks (something I have not previously done).
In A bit About Agathe, Part 1, I shared about the work I do and my passion for it.
In A bit About Agathe, Part 2, I shared about my ancestry and background, specifically that I was born a refugee (this text is linked to the entire original post if you would like to read the full Refugee story)
And, before moving on to Part 3, I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who emailed me after I sent out the email about being born a refugee.
I had so many of you write back to me with so much support, appreciation and kindness.
I also had some people open up to me about their own stories (wow!), while others asked questions…
I wanted to address some of those questions here, so sit down and get comfortable and settle into reading time on this rainy afternoon …
To illustrate what the times were like in Poland during Solidarity and the uprisings…
(As I wrote last time:) “Solidarity was a broad anti-authoritarian social movement, using methods of (peaceful) civil resistance to advance the causes of workers’ rights and social (and largely Political) change. Government attempts in the early 1980s to destroy the union through the imposition of martial law in Poland and the use of political repression failed. Operating underground, with significant financial support from the Vatican and the United States, the union survived and by the later 1980s had entered into negotiations with the government.” (my parenthesis)
(new:) To see what this was like, visually, I would recommend watching these two 10-minute videos (VERY EYE OPENING – YOU’D WANT TO RUN AWAY TOO I’M SURE!):
–> Watch “Poland’s Perfect Storm: The Solidarity Revolution” on YouTube
–> Watch “Solidarity Poland 1981” on YouTube
Lech Wałęsa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 because he led the strikes and this successful political revolution in a non-violent way, and Solidarity is recognised as having played a central role in the end of Communist rule in Poland. Poland later transitioned in the 1990’s to liberal capitalism.
Anyway, during that period of instability, a lot of Poles left. There was also a huge food shortage, lot of layoffs, pressure from Russia to squash the uprisings (or else…!!), and you literally needed food stamps to receive your rations of food. My mom even fainted in line when she was pregnant with me waiting for her ration of food.
Can you imagine?
So how does this relate to the work I do now at FUELLED?
The truth is, the spirit of my whole life has to do with these defining moments and the decision to flee Poland in search of a better life.
Every day I live in a way that is rooted in this beginning.
Through my parents steps, I deeply appreciate the opportunities that have been presented to me and see them truly as gifts. Not everyone has that. It is a unique part of the refugee/immigrant experience. I am truly grateful. My parents gave me the chance to live a really rich and wonderful life, filled with opportunities, travel, expansion, ascension.
So much of who I am today has to do with the deep knowing of how much I was given when they decided to leave Poland for a better future for us.
It wasn’t that my parents said “we left our homeland so that you can have all of these opportunities,” but, rather, it is something in my spirit that I KNOW.
If I want to, I can create a life that our family in Poland could never even dream of… Like that that I’m living now.
This is the context of my birth and it is the root of who I am. Crossing borders. Ascending. Making decisions that will honour what my parents gave me and that will honour the huge gift I have been given.
Understanding that it could have all been different; so seeing every opportunity for the gift that it is.
My Canadian friends in elementary school, high school, university, did not necessarily have this. So many people have no idea of the ABUNDANCE in their lives. So many people take it for granted.
I later went on to intern at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC, do fascinating research on lifespan and life extension at the Health Canada (national) Policy Research and Knowledge Center, work in Singapore at the National University (details forthcoming in the final edition of this series)…move to Bermuda to take on a management role at one of our top legal firms here. I paid my own way through my bachelor’s and masters degrees working 2 to 3 jobs at the same time, smashed job hunting and was hired by a leading business law firm during the dreary economic downturn of 2009 before even receiving my degree, bought a chic downtown Vancouver loft at the young age of 27, cofounded FUELLED and am doing my absolute passion and authentically living my purpose EVERY SINGLE DAY…
…and I have big dreams beyond what I’ve already done.
What’s my WHY behind all of this? It is deeply rooted in my refugee story.
When you are given a gift like I have been given – that is: a chance for a better life away from your chaotic homeland – you want to make the most of it!
And in order to live the most extraordinary life and make the very best of the opportunities I was I gifted by my parents, I truly knew that I had to have a strong and healthy physical body.
KEY: a strong and healthy physical body is truly the foundation of all ascension.
Even Maslow, in 1943, said it when he came up with his map for “self-actualization” i.e. Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs…
This is the pyramid I use to depict his concept in my book, in the section I called “Mastering Your Body Comes First.”

For the majority of my life, I have focused on and massively prioritized my physiology – nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, cleansing/detoxing, regulated nervous system, healthy and clear energetic body, mental health – to ensure I have a strong foundation to do everything I dreamed of. To do everything I can with the gifts, opportunities and life that I have been given.
You cannot live an extraordinary life – or attain self-actualization – without caring very well for the vehicle that is going to get you there.
My book covers this in great detail – NOTE: print edition is no longer available, only audiobook now.
My calling is SO connected to my refugee story, the brand new life I was offered in another country, and the work I do today as I share my FUELLED philosophy with the world.
My lived experience is a testament to taking care of ourselves and transcending limitations in order to live a life that our parents and their parents (and even we sometimes) could never have dreamed of.
FUELLING YOUR HEALTH is a crucial leveling-up-and-going-for-your-dreams success hack.
Did you know that even the FUELLED logo (upwards arrow) was something I created to show us that the direction our life will go when we get FUELLED is UPWARDS & FORWARD.
So take the life you’ve been gifted and make the best of it!!
And start with the vehicle that is going to get you everywhere you can possibly dream of going.
Thank you for reading this. My hope is that it inspires you. Reach out, of course, if you’re interested in programs or sessions with me.
I am sending you so much love!
Hannah Collins

Our Gorgeous FUELLED Health Goddess & CoFounder Teresa Perozzi is back on island for a limited time and she is booking up fast for her incredible, healing and powerful sports and deep tissue massages!
BOOK her on WhatsApp: 505-0399
A deep tissue sports massage is just another way to Seize the day the FUELLED way!
In my last newsletter, I mentioned that:
‘I would usually announce our upcoming FUELLED “Healthy Doesn’t Have to Be Hard” Public Cooking and Smoothie Masterclasses by now…but there is a little problem at the moment: I am finding it hard to secure a kitchen for our classes!
As you may know, these hands-on healthy cooking classes are a pop-up style and I’ve had so much fun holding them in private homes and Air BnB’s around the island – a wonderful experience overall as we explore different parishes and kitchens and properties – but for this June, it has been very difficult to book something!’
I noted that I was optimistic that the perfect spot will come up…and I think it has!
Stay posted!
Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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