Happy Thursday!

On Monday I met with my client Rhonda for our 1:1 Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching session and she was bubbling with excitement….!!!

She said:

“I went to the (functional) doctor today and I wanted to call you right after…I was SO EXCITED!”

I’ve been working with Rhonda since January – 8 months –

And this session was the day before her 58th BIRTHDAY….🎂


Tears were shed by both of us (gotta love those happy tears!) and you could have felt the ripples of happiness from Bermuda all the way to Bali…

Not only has she progressed immensely with the healing of her 5 or 6 serious health issues that included SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), possible leaky gut, anxiety, depression, major food allergies, excessive inflammation and swelling of her face, neck, abdomen…

But she weighed in at 193 lbs. – a WHOPPING 41LBS LESS THAN SHE WEIGHED IN JANUARY!

AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT –> She spent NO CONSCIOUS, DIRECTED EFFORT on “weight loss” goals and literally slipped off these excess pounds as a very natural BY-PRODUCT of FUELLING her life and overcoming her health challenges through optimal nutrition and health habits that I taught her (that are outside the box, fyi – NO DIETS!).

JUST SAYING IT AGAIN: These results – 41lbs slipping off of her – are from food and eating habits alone – she is yet to incorporate exercise!

That’s the POWER of what I teach.

When she contacted me in December of 2021, she was completely stuck and quite paralyzed by fear. Everything was going wrong in her body. She was totally overwhelmed. Nothing was working. Things were getting worse.

Have you ever been there?

Some symptoms presented as Lupus and so tests were underway…trust me when I say that weight loss was the LAST OF HER CONCERNS.

But at 5’4″ and just over 230lbs…Rhonda was overweight and did have moments where she thought it would be good to lose some of the extra pounds too.

But with health issues 1 through 6 taking a higher priority…she let weight loss take a back seat, which I advised and agreed to 100% (to be honest, this is where it should be because focusing too much on weight loss can cause people to take unhealthy shortcuts that cannot be sustained).

Together, through our personalised 1:1 nutrition coaching sessions, we have co-created the healthiest and happiest version of Rhonda – one that she could never have imagined could exist 8 months ago.

We turned around most of her major health problems (working on the remaining ones) and she is happier and healthier than ever. Where medical advice was outside of scope of my practice, we enlisted the expert help of a functional medicine doctor that I often work with. Having a team on your side is everything!

Rhonda says I cleared the path for her. That’s how she describes it. She said that she felt like she had no control and was so overwhelmed…and that –

“I could not have done this without you.”

She says “You could see the big picture, but I couldn’t see the forest from the trees in front of me because I couldn’t see past my anxiety and fear and upset and just not knowing. And when you don’t know what to do, and all you know is that everything you’ve done is not helping – it paralyzes you.”

“And you said from the beginning ‘I GOT YOU. I’ll help you. I’m gonna be here for you every step of the way.’”

“And that was enough to lighten my load. So losing weight was a BY-PRODUCT of trusting somebody who had my best interests in their heart from the beginning and who cleared the path for me to walk through.”

“I still had to chose, make the effort. And never was anything I did ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’ – you never scolded me, heaped blame on me, made me feel bad for anything I was doing or anything I was going through and you just kept reaffirming that I am here for you –

‘I’ve GOT THIS. YOU are going to be GOOD.’”

“And you can’t see that in the beginning because you don’t have any hope, but now that I look back I can see it.”

“If one person who is just stuck, and not happy and not healthy and does not know where to go…can be helped by this…”

Rhonda trusted the process (and that’s hard for some because I’m very “Outside-the-Box” and I’ve seen it throw people for a loop, or they want to do things their own way). She committed to the journey and took (only) 1 step at a time but took that step every single week. She didn’t follow a hundred nutrition experts.

She trusted. Believed. Achieved.

And now she knows how to eat, how to FUEL her body, how to heal, how to make amazing meals with nutritious ingredients, what to focus on when things get tough, what to do when she is eating for emotional reasons…and how to shed excess weight with ease, flow, grace and HAPPY TASTE BUDS!

You can have this too!!! 💕🌟🌟💕

TRUST ME, You’re actually very likely way better off than she was when she started.

I would love to co-create this type of future with YOU!

I offer 1:1 nutrition and health coaching using a process I developed that does not include diets or anything disposable but rather focuses on healing the body, optimizing our cells with the nutrients they need to thrive and serve us at their best, and developing a relationship with food and our bodies that skyrockets our self worth and elevates our energetic frequency.

I draw from 10,000 year old Ayurvedic teachings, modern science and methods that have healed my body and reversed diseases and disorders and unwanted weight gain that have arisen for me in my life.

Coaching is an art and a science.



My coaching sessions, programs and masterclasses are my own personal intellectual property (you won’t get this stuff ANYWHERE ELSE) –

This is my absolute passion and calling and that comes through in every session, in every program, in every Masterclass. I’m never just going through the motions or here for someone because it’s my job.

If this resonates with you, I would love to book a complimentary 20 – 40 minute phone consultation to discuss your personal goals, concerns, desires and how I can help you achieve everything that you want 🌟


***know that I walk my talk and what I teach is how I live***

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing from you 💕

With so much love,
Agathe 💛💛


Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about! 

Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!

With so much love,

Agathe xo

“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”

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