Happy Black Friday!
So if you follow my newsletters and blog closely, then approximately 90 days ago, I announced a challenge – I had intentionally gained a whopping 20 lbs. in order to lose it all in 60 days. Inspired by the Undercover Billionaire who was given 90 days to make a million dollars from $100 and no contacts / no name and no anything really… and he did it in 60…showing that if you know what you’re doing, you can recreate your results and success at any given time from scratch.

So 60 days flew by and I completely forgot about this challenge! Believe it or not! Here is why:
I set myself on my FUELLED journey in August and knew I was heading in the right direction and was losing the weight effortlessly by shifting back to my healthy habits…
Then at the end of September, right after the hurricane we had in Bermuda and my SOLD OUT 45 person Smoothies By The Sea Masterclass – my life shifted into serious OVERDRIVE. I was preparing to travel for the first time since COVID-19 hit, and in a BIG way. I won’t go into the details but everything unexpected that could have happened, happened… I hardly slept 3 hours a night that last week of September…
Then I flew off island with my dog in October (her first time on a plane) and I had the most CRAZY, UNPREDICTABLE and UPSIDE DOWN schedule upon arriving to my destination. I was so excited to see family I hadn’t seen in years but Bella, my dog, had jet lag for almost all of October that had us waking up at 2 am and 4:30 am for walks and her needing to pee, she had accidents inside the condo, wouldn’t let me leave to go anywhere without her – screaming, barking, tearing apart amazon packages (none of that’s ever happened before), then developed a urinary tract infection so there was blood (so scary, especially before I knew what it was) and vet visits all the while I’m trying my best to get out for walks, organize my life, get groceries, visit old friends and family, and continue to seamlessly see clients and build FUELLED.
I was happy to be on my trip, but stressed, sleepless and a bit totally overwhelmed with Bella’s mounting health issues.
So yeah, I completely forgot about my 60 day mark in mid-October!
So here I am at 90 days and I’m at 138.2 lbs. Not exactly my goal, but what a great place to be regardless!! I’m definitely not unhappy or ungrateful.
Plus, I know what happened – excessive and acute stress and a mixed up sleeping schedule are the culprits! I feel my body held on at 141 or 142 for a while, as the body might when you’re not sleeping or eating in a “normal” way, and then in November, when everything settled and regular healthy patterns resumed (and I found out Bella wasn’t dying on me!)…my body allowed for the release of the extra fat to start up again.
I bought a new scale for the first time in 25 years – see photo – and it allows you to view your numerous body composition readings right after you step off of it. So that’s why I’m not standing on it and it’s still showing my details. Hilarious, right?
I feel really good at 138.2 lbs. and I fit my clothes really nicely. I’ve noticed I’m up in muscle and down in fat and water has remained the same. So, no I did not lose 12 lbs. of water weight. This is legitimately excess inches gone from my midsection and thighs.
I’m still living my FUELLED life and now that the 6+ weeks of acute stress are behind me, I foresee that everything that remains from my gain will be shed by Christmas.
I’ll send an update in a month’s time!
Until then, be healthy, be happy and be understanding of your body.
Nutrition and body composition goals do not happen in a vacuum. Your LIFE impacts your body. That’s why I’m an INTEGRATIVE Nutrition Health Coach. I teach and believe in a holistic, “whole-life” perspective – meaning, your whole life is involved in getting YOU to your healthiest YOU!
As an A-type personality who likes to win, I wish I set this challenge during ANY OTHER TIME OF THE YEAR than the biggest transition period I’ve had in 10 years…but hey! Maybe you’re so busy Black Friday Sale shopping that you’re not even going to read this email? LOL
Here’s to hoping!
Nah – I’ve got this and the bumps have smoothed out now and it’s all good.
And if I’m honest, I still feel like I’m winning every day.
Have a beautiful weekend!
With so much love,
P.S. If you really were hoping for a Black Friday Sale, then see my Autumn Special below! It’s on for the entire season but ends before winter starts and those New Year resolutions kick in! Buy this FUELLED kickstart package now and use your sessions anytime within the next 12 months. They will not be on sale in January.
P.P.S. Check out this beautiful photo from my morning walk last week. It perfectly depicts how I’m feeling now – peaceful, serene, thankful and adventurous. This is from a trail close to my hometown. It’s unedited/no filter fyi.

Spread the LOVE: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about!
Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone!
With so much love,
Agathe xo
“Get FUELLED today for a healthier and happier tomorrow!”
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