Professional life GAMECHANGER

It’s time for your Professional Life Gamechanger…

FUELLED HEALTHY OFFICE TIP: Bustling office spaces, shared workstations, busy meeting rooms—there are plenty of opportunities to get your hands dirty in the office. But did you know that standard commercial hand washing liquid soap disrupts your gut microbiome and can actually tear away at the strength of your employees’ immune systems? It’s true. Your skin is your largest organ and what goes on it – including cleaning products, lotions, even the detergent you wash your clothing and towels in – can get absorbed into the skin, enter the bloodstream and make its way to your gut, where 70-80% of your immune response lives.

That’s correct – The gut plays a significant role in the immunity, hosting a substantial portion of its components. Approximately 70-80% of the body’s immune cells are found in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), which includes structures like the tonsils, Peyer’s patches in the small intestine, and lymph nodes throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, the gut is home to a vast array of immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and specialized gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) cells.

This dense concentration of immune cells in the gut serves multiple crucial functions and the gut’s immune system is integral to maintaining overall health and wellbeing, influencing not only gastrointestinal health but also systemic inflammation, mental health and metabolism.

🗝️ Harsh chemical cleaners can make us think we are strictly combatting dirt, germs and bacteria, but, in reality, these harsh chemicals are disrupting our gut flora and creating a less than optimal environment for immune cells to thrive, especially cleaners labeled “antibacterial.” Certain chemicals are also endocrine disruptors.

Sorry for the bad news!

But fear not! There is an easy solution.

🌿Elevate Your Workplace Wellness 🌿

To keep your staff healthy and keep their immune systems strong, opt for gentler, more natural, skin and gut-friendly cleaning products (especially hand washing liquid) whenever possible.

I personally bring in my own Mrs. Meyers Clean Day hand washing liquid soap pumps (I love Iowa Pine scent and Lavender) to the office, where I have one in the women’s washroom and one in the shared kitchen. No, I am not receiving any compensation for sharing my favourite products.

If you’re an employer, employee, director, entrepreneur or an HR manager – here are a few cleaning product lines I would recommend. In my opinion, it would be worthwhile to allocate financial resources towards the purchase of these items because of their impact on human immunity and therefore their impact on potential staff sick days.

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day –
Dr. Bronner –
Super Salve Co –
Doterra –

When you place safer, more natural hand washing liquid soaps in your staff bathrooms and kitchens, you’re not just cleaning hands, you’re nurturing gut health – and therefore overall health.

Germ Defense + Gut Defense = A Strong Immune System!

Have a productive, strong, FUELLED week!




P.S. – There’s nothing quite like getting to do the work that sets your soul on fire — and seeing massive transformation in your AND your clients’ lives as a direct result.

I am so blessed you are here as a part of my family – Thank you. I just wanted to say that. I honour you.

Spread the news: Feel free to share this message with someone you care about! 

Stay healthy and happy everyone!

With so much love,

Agathe xo

“Claim the most legendary, lit up and limitless version of yourself!”

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